
May, 18, 2018 a concert of the Harmony Chorus (Bengaluru, India) a children’s choir directed by very talented Smt Sandra Oberoi.

Russian State University for the Humanities (prof.Boris Tarakanov - choir director, Ms Olga Mozgovaya - director, prof Alexander Stolyarov, Dr. Indira Gazieva) and Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Cultural Centre (JNCC) Embassy of India to Russia  organized a concert of the Harmony Chorus (Bengaluru, India) a children’s choir directed by very talented Smt Sandra Oberoi.

These children are all between the ages of 10-15 years and are learning Western Classical music for several years at Harmony - The Music School. The choir consists of 60 talented people, but only 16 came to Moscow.

Welcoming speech was delivered by Mr Anil Kumar, JNCC Deputy Director.
It was the first came of Indian children to Russia and we hope that next time the Indian children's choir and the RSUH Academic Great Choir will make concert together.

We express our special gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Pankaj Saran, the Ambassador of India for the approval of the Indian children's choir’ arrival to Moscow and conducting of their concert at the DP Dhar Hall of the Embassy of India in Moscow

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