
“Environmental Issues During the Period of Indian National Congress dominance from 1947 to 1990 ” was discussed by Hindi group students of RSUH at the monthly student workshop

June, 4 2021

Russian state university for the humanities (RSUH), Moscow, Russia

The topic about “Environmental Issues During the Period of Indian National Congress dominance from 1947 to 1990 ” was discussed by Hindi group students of RSUH at the monthly student workshop.

The 2nd year students Sofiya Kiseleva, Maria Skorobogatova, Amina Mukhaetkhanova and the 1st year MA student Arina Novikova of the Faculty of International relations and Area Studies made reports on the following topics:

· legal and policy frameworks in the areas of environment policy,

· the impact of the Bhopal gas tragedy and government measures to eliminate the consequences of this disaster,

· the formation of the environmental movement in India,

· supporting for environmental projects by the Indian National Congress

Prof. Alexander Stolyarov described to students the problem of agricultural use of the territory of India at the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of which the anthropogenic landscape has changed. It become a cause of the ecological crisis phenomena in the middle of the 20th century.

Dr. Indira Gazieva presented statistics on the level of environmental pollution in India in the 1950s and 1960s.

The workshop was aimed to develop professional and research competencies of the students who study Asian studies.

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